SET OF ENTRY: Curr Acc Re-measurement of Impairment
bookingSortNo | Booking sort number | 10 |
measureOrRatioDescription | Name of booked measure/ratio | Posting impairment pl INTEREST RATE INSTR |
signOfMeasureOrRatio | Sign of amount to be booked | + |
debitCreditSign | Debit/Credit Sign | D |
genledAccountNumber | Account number | 10621003030 |
genledAccountName | Name of account | Current Account ECL Impairment Expense (stage 3) |
bookingSortNo | Booking sort number | 20 |
measureOrRatioDescription | Name of booked measure/ratio | Posting impairment pl INTEREST RATE INSTR |
signOfMeasureOrRatio | Sign of amount to be booked | + |
debitCreditSign | Debit/Credit Sign | C |
genledAccountNumber | Account number | 51820323094 |
genledAccountName | Name of account | Current Account ECL Impairment Expense (stage 3) |